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have this feeling th (评论者:ndn34v3vq0@outlook.com  2017/1/22)
内容:have this feeling that Rush wants to say more but he#39;s not allowed to by the powers that bet;ouq.Bullshit. Rush doesn#39;t want to be the target of ridicule and derision that#39;s been dished out regularly to birthers for the last almost four years. He#39;s a coward.
bWhDIKpRJyMRRDBQ (评论者:jfvynms4281rt@hotmail.com  2017/1/5)
内容:35YAu4 http://www.FyLitCl7Pf7ojQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.com

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